Saturday, June 26, 2010

so excited!

i have been submitting photos to the *i heart faces* challenges since february (even though i had been stalking it much longer than that...) this past challenge was all about teens, and i knew i had a great photo for this challenge. imagine my surprise when, 1) i log onto fb and see it featured on their fb page and 2) when i got up this morning and saw that my photo was an angie and amy favorite!
each week i am so inspired by all the other amazing photogs who enter this challenge to work a bit harder.

congrats to all the winners and thanks for pushing me onward!


  1. WOOT!! yay for you. you've been working so hard and getting better and better! keep working and learning. i seriously can see you growing through your pictures. it's awesome. go susie!!! :)

  2. I was so proud of you I thought I might burst : )

  3. thanks everyone, i was so excited!!
