Sunday, March 28, 2010

i heart faces- dramatic b&w

i know, i know... my recent blog posts are all i heart faces challenges. i am addicted to them, i can't help myself. i love the challenge of getting a pic worthy of the top 10 (maybe one day, it will happen!)
this week's theme is dramatic black and white. anything that is dramatic, sensational, and/or moody. here is a moment i captured of my cousin's pop-pop. very serious and stoic.

head on over to iheartfaces to see more dramatic black & white's.


  1. i love this photo in black and white. nice job!

  2. I have to wonder what he is wondering about. The image seems so much older than I am sure it is. Very nice work!

  3. His face is so can't help but wonder what he is thinking about. Nice job!

  4. That's a great shot!!!!

    (PS - I tagged you in my blog)

  5. love it... very classic looking.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. I love pop pops! I think they are so wonderful : ) They definitely make the world a better place. I am glad you snapped this of your cousin's! : ) I am sure she would love a copy!
