A few weeks back, my friend Brooke blogged about these fabulous graham cracker cupcakes that she had found. While she kept the basic cupcake recipe the same as she found it from Vanilla Garlic, she made a slight adjustment to the filling and topping. What Brooke did, and for this recipe I did too, is after you spoon the batter into the cups, put two chocolate squares on top. You could use one or two, depending on how much chocolate you like. The topping is marshmallow fluff and then you put extra graham cracker crumbs on top and another Hershey square.
Brooke is now my new hero for these Smores Cupcakes. I give you "The Most Amazing Cupcake Ever."
I dare you to dispute my claim.
*Edit- Just a heads up. If you make the smores version,which you would be silly not to, and you are making them ahead of time, wait to put the marshmallow fluff on top until the day of. Fluff has a tendency to run off the cupcake.
I am so making these for our Halloween party. :) Thanks!