Saturday, November 29, 2008
I've been told the holidays...
I've been told the holidays have a tendency to make a person lonely and slightly miserable. Not by any one person but by society and the media. But if I have to go to one more family or church function by myself and go home by myself, I might go crazy. And it's not when I am in the midst of the celebrations, it's after. After I've gone home or after everyone has left and I am left to clean up. Okay, now that I sound sufficiently whiny and slightly off-kilter... and a little embarassed, I'm gonna go.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Here are some things that I think of on Thanksgiving... How thankful I am for my family, but how I wish it weren't just the five people in my family... it's like the same old dinner at my mom's but transported to my house with a turkey.
I hope that maybe one year it will be my brothers and I, plus spouses and children.
We shall see.
And, since when did my brother have to be entertained? Why do we have to bend over backwards to make Thanksgiving a day when he isn't "bored?" I mean, can someone tell me what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about?
I hope that maybe one year it will be my brothers and I, plus spouses and children.
We shall see.
And, since when did my brother have to be entertained? Why do we have to bend over backwards to make Thanksgiving a day when he isn't "bored?" I mean, can someone tell me what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about?
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Has it really been that long?
I just looked at my blog and realized I haven't updated it in 2 months!!! That's ludicrous. That's insane. That means that absolutely nothing has happened in that time. That's depressing. Two months go by and all I can say is...?
Now, in my life, nothing may be happening but in the world around me, it's some crazy times. The election is days away, the economy is in the toilet, the Phillies won the World Series... I'm not going to start proseletizing about which candidate to vote for because by now, if you aren't sure who you are voting for, nothing I say will help you determine your vote. If the mass phone calls, emails, mailings and tv ads haven't helped you make up your mind... you've been living under a rock. Seriously, I am only going to say one more thing about politics: vote. Do not miss your chance on Tuesday to vote for a new leader and to change the direction this country is headed. Political rant over.
Last week, I had someone tell that I should give online dating a try. WHAT!? No, thank you. I may not be perfectly happy being single but I am perfectly happy waiting for the right time, the right person and as corny as it may sound to some, I am perfectly happy waiting on God's timing. Does this mean that online dating is out? Not really, but is out for now? Yes. But, you may ask, where will I meet someone? I have no idea. Does that bother me? Sometimes. Most times I have a hard enough time taking care of myself, plus I like being a little selfish with my time. Okay, I vowed never to turn this blog into Single Girl Seeking While Ranting About Being Single, so I'm going to move on.
How's the job search? Not so hot. There is nothing and I mean nothing open at this time. People are being laid off and many companies have put into effect a hiring freeze. I guess I just have to stick it out a little longer.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to end this post, so here's a picture...
Monday, September 01, 2008
I just posted some pictures to my newly created Flickr page ( and as I was looking over them, I saw this..."Uploaded on September 1, 2008." Who can tell me, where did summer go? Why is it already September 1? and why does time just keep flying by? I feel like the older I get, the quicker time flies, and I am NOT a happy camper. What happened to the lazy days of sleeping in, of spending oodles of time at the beach, of doing absolutely nothing? Oh, right, it's called adulthood and I do not like it at all. I have decided to resign from growing up and revert to my childhood again... sigh. If only I could.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Whirlwind Month
Phew! I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted! For those of you who didn't know, my computer was out of service for three weeks and I just got it back a few days ago. And while I may not have had my computer, that doesn't mean I didn't stop take pictures! Oh no, my friends... I went crazy. I took a week off from work to volunteer at my old camp, so I have a ton of pictures from that (I LOVE taking pictures of kids!) and then I spent a few days with my good friends in upstate New York. Thanks Carly and Brian for letting me invade your home for a few days and take pictures of your adorable child!
Is there an update on the job front, you ask? Absolutely not. It is so hard to look for a job without a computer, so hopefully now, I will be able to jump in where I left off. If anyone knows of how to get into photography as more than just a hobby, let me know! Short of working for Sears or Picture People, I haven't a clue how to get started!
Anyway, on to what you are all looking for... Pictures!

Stay tuned for pictures from my weekend with the Nodine's!
Is there an update on the job front, you ask? Absolutely not. It is so hard to look for a job without a computer, so hopefully now, I will be able to jump in where I left off. If anyone knows of how to get into photography as more than just a hobby, let me know! Short of working for Sears or Picture People, I haven't a clue how to get started!
Anyway, on to what you are all looking for... Pictures!
Stay tuned for pictures from my weekend with the Nodine's!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I have to take a moment to thank everyone that was involved in my birthday celebrations yesterday. For those of you who didn't know, yesterday was my birthday and I showed up to work in a most celebratory outfit. At my job, you can wear jeans on your birthday, so there I was, in jeans and this fun t-shirt that I bought near Valentine's Day at Target. It's a cute white shirt with a cupcake that says "sweet cake." Sounds fun, right? Well, to top it off, I added this ridiculously large, gold, sparkly tiara to the mix. What's a birthday without a birthday crown, right? I was in full party mode all day, brownies and cookies for me and the kids in my class for snack and at lunch time, a wonderful surprise. My mom came to my work with a tray of cupcakes! I loved the cupcakes because she is an amazing baker but I loved the fact that she came to my job even better. My mom is totally awesome and I couldn't have asked for a better surprise. Then, that night we had our Young Adult picnic at Nana's house and when I got there, they had set up balloons and a Happy Birthday sign. I was showered with love and very thoughtful gifts that mean so much to me. You can tell that my friends really know me and that touches my heart than any present ever could. Of course, a whole day celebrating me meant that today there was a little bit of birthday withdraw, but I quickly bounced back and am now ready to enjoy this next phase of my life. God has something amazing for me and I am ready to embrace it!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Where to Go
So, some of you may be wondering why this blog's url is where2go... some of you may not notice but I digress. Here is a little insight into why I picked this particular one. I thrive on trying new things, going new places and exploring new sensations. When I created this blog back in college, I was searching for what to do after graduation... which never turned out to be what I expected. After a few years of mindless drudgery at my current place of employment (which I'm not allowed to use the name by request of the main corporate office) I found myself wanting to change the website and name it something else. I had become complacent and stuck in my situation. But now, I find myself in that same situation, all over again. I have fianlly realized that staying in a mind-numbing job with no variable of change is slowly (or quickly?) sucking the life out of me. God did not create me to be stuck in the day in and day out. I was created to constantly change and grow and experience. By staying in one unchanging environment for so long, I have been going against who God created me to be, hence, the misery of my life. So, you may be asking, "What does this all mean?" What it means, my friends, is that I am on the cusp of change, a new beginning of sorts. Where am I going? I have no idea, but I have faith in the One who created me to move me beyond my situation and into the next chapter of my life. Scary? Very. But I am ready. God has been preparing me my entire life for this particular time and I am ready. Now, do I know where this search is going to take me? Absolutely not. It could be an adminstrative assistant in an office, front desk worker for a photography studio or something that I hadn't even considered. And I am embracing the uncertainty with open arms and a faith in a certain and unchanging God.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The job that I have been waiting to open since February has just opened. So, one would think that I would rush right to getting my resume in, but have I? No, all becauseof 2 things. One, I need to have 3 professional references and I only have 2 and two, because I'm nervous. I'm scared to step out and try something different. As much as I complain about my current job, it' one that I know. I know the people, I know how everything works, I know how to work around things. I mean, I have been there for almost three years, and when you are somewhere for that long, you get comfortable. So, people, I am asking for some motivation. I want someone to encourage me on this and not stop asking me if I have sent in my resume. Can you do that for me?
We had a "Bubble Pop Dance Party" at school!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
First off, I just want to say that I am completely obsessed with taking pictures. My camera goes absolutely everywhere with me, even outside in my complex, where I just took over 125 pictures. I think I take decent pictures and I really enjoy going through them on my computer and picking out which ones I like the best. Or how about the 10 I just took of candy, yes you read that right... candy. It is just so colorful and it's fun to play with the different angles and what not.
Okay, secondly, I would like people to pray for me because I am applying for a job that would be a great opportunity. I am applying at Eastern to be an Admissions Counselor. Now, who here doesn't think that's perfect for me? I mean, talking to people all day, calling them, giving little presentations at high school college fairs, connecting with students and making connection in different areas. Plus, I would get to travel a little too. So, if you guys could just remember me in your prayers that this goes the way it's supposed to go... I know it may not be meant for me, but it sure seems it. Thanks.
And I will leave you with a couple of my favorite, recent photos.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
I'm kind of getting tired of hearing people say that I'm going to waste away to nothing. I have plenty of it all left that I'm positive that won't happen. Plus, I love to eat way too much to ever let that happen. Anyway, Happy New Year! And don't try to make resolutions, just make lifestyle choices because they are what lasts in the long run.
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